Our Story
It is the law of the nature; all great events born in silence. Silence and providence of God together formed a great event that is the Birth of a religious family.
The servant of God, Don Giovanni Battista Rubino was born in Lomorra in Italy on February 12, 1776. After the formal Education he enrolled himself in Royal College of Alba and kept alive his religious convictions in spite all political turmoil and war. He was ordained a priest on March 9, 1799. He had great devotion to Holy Mother Church and defended the faith this zeal for the church impelled him to give life for our Congregation.
The Congregation of the Oblate sisters of St.Aloysius Gonzaga was born in the period of persecution led by the dictorship of Napoleon. Western European world accepted the progressive ideas and rejected the role of God and His existence. The doctrines of the church were proclaimed vices and virginity became harmful to the society. Napoleonic laws were suppressing religious Congregation and Imprisoned Pope Pius VII. Don Rubino gathered the faithful people of the locality and begun to Pray for the liberation of the Holy Father and peace for the Church. This prayer gatherings became the mould of his dream and formed into an actual shape during the long Nights of devotion in front of the most Holy Sacrament. However he along with Magdalena Caminale and Teresa Moscone made a pilgrimage to Savona. They made a pledge at the feet of Blessed virgin of mercy in following terms, if the Pope is freed they will inaugurate a small congregation of sisters who will be at the service of Peace in the world and as well as in constant and humble service of the Church. The gestation period of the Congregation was completed and a new branch of a religious family, the Congregation of the Oblate sisters of St.Aloysius Gonzaga (Oblate di San Luigi -OSL) was born in the Church on 15th October 1815. Don Rubino had great devotion to St. Aloysius and Blessed Virgin Mary of purity thus combining these two models Don Rubino urged the first sisters to imitate their virtues to attain salvation. Following the ignatian spirituality he generated a motto for the Congregation to be followed "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Et Proximorum Utilitatem" in short it is known as God and Souls.
Venerable Don Giovanni Battista Rubino (1776 -1853)
Our Mission
- Formation of the youth in general and technical education to help themselves and others
- Care for the sick and the aged following the footsteps of the Patron
- Collaboration in the building up of the Church through pastoral service, rehabilitation of broken families, Care for the Senior Citizens and family prayers
Roots of Luigine in India
God’s ways are wonderful and mysterious. It is wonderful to know how the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Aloysius started its root in India. It is a very wonderful and long history. Miss Teresa Lasagna, the paternal aunt of two of our Italian sisters, namely Daniela Lasagna and Ada Lasagna, was sponsoring Fr. George Malieckal from Kerala, when he was a seminarian. After his ordination, Fr. George had correspondence with Miss. Teresa Lasagna in English. Since she didn’t know English, she used to go to Rev. Canonico Benso, the chaplain of the “Suore di San Luigi” who knew well English. Later in the 60s Teresa approached Sr. Rafaela who was in Italy from East Pakistan for the translations of her letters. Making use of the golden opportunity, Mother Gertrude requested to Teresa Lasagna to ask Rev. Fr. George Malieckal to send some vocations from Kerala for the Congregation. Then Fr. George was, the parish Priest of St. Joseph’s Church, Ettumanoor, Kottayam District, Kerala. Fr. George responded promptly to the request of the mother general. He gathered from the nearby parishes of Ettumanoor, 8 young girls who were desirous of living their religious life. They were Annamma C.T, Mary Luca, Annakutty, Cecily, Money, Elsamma, Thresiamma and Annamma Thomas.
Subsequently, Fr. Cyriac Puthenpura, his close friend started sending a few candidates to the Congregation with its headquarters in Italy.
The first batch of the candidates reached Italy in 1962 and in the subsequent year they started their formation in the novitiate. Prompted by the idea of the Holy Father conveyed through the Mother General to start activities in India, some of the sisters who took their first profession in 1965, returned to India in 1971 and started organizing the activities with their base in Bandra, Bombay.
Gradually with the help of Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Thumma, the Bishop of Vijayawada, the Congregation was able to establish its Indian headquarters in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh in 1975.
The Congregation began to work in India as Delegation under a Coordinator appointed by the Superior General. The first Coordinator Rev.Sr. Emmanuela Mangattukunnel took charge in 1982 and continued in the same position up to 1989 followed by Rev. Sisters Damiana (1989 – 1995) and Flaviana (1995 -2002) guided the Delegation in its infancy stage as Coordinators. Sr. Mercy Joseph became the last coordinator of Indian Delegate in 2002.
In view of the administrative requirements, the sisters working in India were brought under a Region subsequent to the Revision of the Norms ad experimentum for the Missionary lands. Rev. Sr. Mercy Joseph was appointed as Regional Superior by the General Council in 2006. Later, the First Regional Chapter was convened in 2008 in which Rev. Sr. Mercy Abraham was elected as the Regional Superior and she continued in this post till 2011.The meeting of the Regional Chapter was held in Vijayawada in 2011 and Sr. Mercy Joseph was elected as the Regional Superior. The next Chapter convened in 2014 elected Sr. Jancy V.M as the Regional Superior.
The First Provincial Chapter held in Vijayawada elected Rev. Sr. Teresia M.Antony alias Molly M.Antony, as the First Provincial Superior on 13 January 2017 and she took charge as Provincial Superior on the same day with the newly elected Provincial Council.
The newly constituted Province has 21 communities and a Novitiate house situated in Vijayawada. In 2019 we have begun a mission in Germany and 2020 two of our sisters volunteered to render mission service in Brazil. Those who join the Congregation as aspirants are housed in Gunadala Andhra Pradesh, the Postulants in Nyayampally AP and the Novitiate house is in Vijayawada, A. P.
General Information About Our Congregation
Name of the Congregation:
Venerable Don Giovanni Battista Rubino (1776 -1853)
Co- Founders:
Sr. Teresa Moscone and Sr. Maddalena Caminale
Date of Foundation: 15 October 1815
Place of Foundation: Lamorra, Italy
Our Patron:
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Models: St. Aloysius Gonzaga - Model of purity, Charity and innocence
Immaculate Virgin Mary
- Model of purity and Spiritual Maternity
Co- Patroness of the Congregation: St. Adeodata-
St. Adeodata died in defense of Christian faith and purity and was given as a model and co –protectress to all the young girls and to all Christians to more easily practice virtue to avoid sin and remain firm in the faith even amidst trials and tribulations.
Congregation Recognized & Approved: 29 April 1948
Obtained the recognition of juridical personality: 21 April 1949
The Decree of the Pontifical Recognition: 29 January 1958
Our Charism:
To pray for the peace in the Church and among the nations and to assist, instruct and educate the poor daughters and youth. Through prayer and dialogue with others, Don Rubino´s Charism became very clear in his heart: To lead others, above all the young, on God´s path.Our Motto:
Ad majorem Dei gloriam et proximorum utilitatem (For the greater glory of God and the good of our neighbours)Our Emblem:

A life totally dedicated to the glory of God and the sanctification of souls, practicing Chastity, Poverty and Obedience, can change the world and bring it to God, the creator.MISSION
- Empowerment of women and the weaker sections of the society through education to transform the families for a life embedded in the teaching of Christ and His Church.
- Formation of the youth in general and technical education to help themselves and others
- Care for the sick and the aged following the footsteps of the Patron
- Collaboration in the building up of the Church through pastoral service, rehabilitation of broken families, Care for the Senior Citizens and family prayers
Education, Healing Ministry, Socio – Pastoral Service, St. Aloysius Senior citizens Home.
St. Adeodata
Co- Patroness of the Congregation
St. Adeodata died in defense of Christian faith and purity and was given as a model and co –protectress to all the young girls and to all Christians to more easily practice virtue to avoid sin and remain firm in the faith even amidst trials and tribulations.
Congregation Recognized & Approved: 29 April 1948
Obtained the recognition of juridical personality: 21 April 1949
The Decree of the Pontifical Recognition: 29 January 1958


Education, Healing Ministry, Socio – Pastoral Service, St. Aloysius home
Mother House: Alba, ItalySuperior General:
Rev. Mother Mercy Joseph PamplanyGeneral Council:
Sr.Trupti Gomes,Sr.PierAngela Sapetti,Sr.Agnes kollamparambil, Sr. Maria Gadenz
Provincial House :
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaProvincial Superior:
Rev. Sr. Molly M. Antony alias Teresa M. AntonyProvincial Council :
Sr. Gracy Joseph, Sr. Mercy Mathew, Sr. K.Vajra Kumari,Sr. Auxilia Antony, Sr. Sujana .M and Sr. Valsamma Sebastian.
Our Contact Address:
Sisters of St. Aloysius, Door No: 45-1- 46, Gunadala, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, Pin: 520004, Ph: 0866 2450326Formation
Aspirants, Postulants and NovicesOur Presence in India
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Jharkhand, Odisha and Maharashtra.Roots of Luigine in India
Get in touch
Sisters of St. Aloysius
Contact Infomation
Door No: 45-1- 46, Gunadala, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, Pin: 520004,